Thursday, September 28, 2006

I Hate Walmart

Ok - it's official - I really hate Wal-Mart! Every time I go in a damn Wal-Mart store, I end up coming out of the store pissed off at something or someone (or both). I stopped at Walmart this past Sunday, during CJ's soccer practice, to pick up a few things and ended up spending a bit more time there than what I had intended. I initially went there to see if they had any Linksys routers, since I think mine may have crapped out on me - of course they didn't have any any, so I picked up a few things that I needed/watned..

I was on my way down the bathroom towels aisle - and right there, parked in the middle of the aisle was some overweight, nasty looking, redneck lady with who I assume was her daughter (that was equally overweight, nasty looking & just as redneck) and her daughter's husband/boyfriend/brother who looked like a major crackhead/loser. Anyway I couldn't get past her so I stood there for second and finally said "excuse me" - so do you think she gets out of my way? Hell no! Instead she turns around, flashes me one hell of a look like "kiss my ass bitch" and then slams her cart out of the way like I inconvenienced her! EXCUSE THE FUCK OUT ME! UGH!

So anyway, I headed to the checkout area & sure enough - there weren't enough cashiers! GEE IMAGINE THAT! There were 3 cashiers working with about 7 or 8 people in line. So I stood there, and stood there and stood there. Rather than get totally shitty and bitch & moan out loud about how damn long those lines were & how much Walmart sucked - I called Frank up to whine to him about it. During the conversation I mentioned "Oh yeah - and then this fat bitch copped an attitude because I wanted to get down an aisle that she planted her fat ass in..." A few minutes after I was done talking - I turned around as the people behind me were being all loud & obnoxious and it was annoying the shit out of me. And who do you think was behind me in line? Of course - the fat bitch! Ha ha ha! For a split second I thought she was going to kick my ass...

Suddenly a cashier says "hey I'm opening up over here" and I heard the lard ass behind me say to her daughter & whoever the hell that crackhead was, "Hey let's go to that line"...So I turned around and said "Uhhhhhhhhh Excuse me - but I just waited in line 10 minutes!" and she said "Well - so did I" and I answered "Yeahhh - but you're definitely BEHIND ME!" and I proceeded to race my cart into the newly opened aisle! TAKE THAT BITCH!

Next time I'll just go to Target!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Computer Woes

Why is it that everytime I think "hey, maybe it's time I burn a CD with all of the files I need from my laptop.." that my laptop decides to crap its pants?? I bought a pretty sweet Epson photo scanner on Friday night and scanned in a whole shit load of pictures, and though "I better burn a CD with some of these pictures I've been scanning". The scanner is very fast & very easy to use and after scanning a bunch of pictures, and burning the CD with all of my prized files, I decided to head off to bed for the night. I woke up Saturday morning & immediately started experiencing some "issues" with my laptop. To make a long story short, I think I had some type of virus that was hogging up all of my memory - I couldn't get on the internet for very long, and the computer would randomly freeze up & have to be shut down manually.

How great is that timing? I have 2 big tests that I have to take this week in my classes & alot of studying & online work to do. UGHHHHHHHHHH

Kristin (my 23 year old niece) came over on Sunday and worked on the laptop for almost 8 hours and after consulting with a friend of hers who seems very knowledgable about computers, etc, we decided the best course of action was to reinstall the whole operating system. Actually what I really wanted to do was to pulverize the shitty Dell laptop with a sledgehammer.


Friday, September 15, 2006

Fall is almost here!

Woo hoo! I'm pretty excited - as I was walking into the Grocery store last night, I saw that they had Pumpkins outside on display, which reminded me that it's almost fall! Not that it hasn't been chilly or anything, but seeing the Pumpkins really made it sink in that summer is just about over. It's time to rip out the Impatients & Vinca's out of the garden & plant some Mums & Pansies, and bulbs. It also means that it's time to at least think about putting the summer clothes away & pulling out all of the sweaters, fleece, etc. AND it also means it's time to start thinking about Pumpkin carving & making delicious things out of Pumpkins - like Pumpkin Pies, Pumpkin Bread & Pumpkin Roll. Hopefully eating Pumpkin Pie this year won't do the same thing to me that it did last year! (let's just say that my Crohn's ridden intestinal tract did not like me eating even one sliver of pumpkin pie)

Another thing that I was reminded of last night was Halloween is right around the corner. Although both of my kids are pretty much too old to dress up & go trick or treating, I still like to look at all the costumes. Several times over the past 18 years, I've even dressed up - whether it's to accompany my kids on trick or treating when they were little, or for a costume party at work, or to hand out candy at home, I almost enjoy it. I was looking at some sites last night online that sells some terrific costumes & I found a few that I thought was hilarious - including this one:

(Although - I do have to say that as tired as I've been feeling lately, some may think I resemble this lady slightly)

Which of course, also reminded me that Thanksgiving & Christmas are both right around the corner! YIKES!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Cough Cough Cough

Apparently some jackass that sits a few rows down from me, has decided that it's ok to come to work with one hell of a cold/flu. He's been coughing all damn day today & it's not one of those little quite "fake" coughs - this is a full blown, cough your left lung out, kind of cough & to make matters worse, he's not covering his mouth - I can tell just by the sound of his cough. I guess in his book it's ok to come to work, cough all over everyone & spread his germs. All I know is this - if I get whatever the hell it is he is, all hell is going to break loose! I'm really tempted to stomp over there and shove a box of sucrets down his throat.

On another note, tomorrow is "Internataional Chocolate Day" - I'm already preparing myself - by starting to eat chocolate today. Today's delicacies included a very tasty Lindt Milk Chocolate bar, 2 miniature Baby Ruth Bars, and Toffifay.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wacky Wednesday!

What a crazy day it's been already! Between my son not feeling well, fighting with a car dealership, trying to finish up an assignment for my accounting class, & dealing with my job - I'm totally stressed! Thank goodness this is an abbreviated work week!

As much as Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes annoy me, I do have to say that their baby, Suri is awfully cute. Tom, Katie, & Baby Suri are all featured on the cover on this month's Vanity Fair magazine - which really I had no desire to look at until a coworker sent me a link to the Online Version . No matter how cute that baby is - I still stand with my belief that both parents are pure wackos!

On to other things....
Today I stopped at Wawa for lunch, and picked up one of their delicious 6 inch meatball subs, and on the way out - I spotted it - my favorite candy in the world:

Toffifay Bars!

I almost forgot that these things even existed! My sister and I both loved these when they came out 30 years or so ago, and over the years had talked about them, and even eaten them when we found them. I think it's been at least 2 or 3 years since I even saw one. Anyway it seems to me that Toffifay used to come with 5 pieces, maybe I'm wrong - now it comes with 4 pieces. Everything about it tastes the same as I remember it tasting it years ago - thank goodness! (I absolutely hate it when they change the size/shape/taste of any type of candy!)

Anyway - to me - Toffifay=heaven!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Today's Pet Peeve

Today's pet peeves (at least right at this moment):

1)People who talk on their cell phone so loud that not only can people standing or sitting beside them hear the conversation, but so can people that are standing 20 feet away. What the hell is that about? Don't they understand that most people don't really want to hear their conversation.

I have a coworker who does this, and I know more about her and her family from her cell phone conversations than I care to know. It's hard to ignore the conversations when they are so loud that I can't even concentrate on what I'm trying to do. Most days I feel like yelling "SHUT THE HELL UP!" I've also noted that these same people have the most annoying cell phone ringer, especially since they have it turned on full blast!

2) People who blatantly ignore crosswalks when it rains or snows. What's the deal with the assholes who for whatever reason decide that during "inclement weather", they don't have to obey crosswalks - instead they fly through the parking lot, splashing those people who are standing waiting to cross? This morning I just about got drenched by some idiot who came flying through the parking lot at my place of employment, as I stood in the pouring rain waiting to cross. I don't know if the drivers are just "running late" for work or if they just don't see the crosswalks - regardless, it annoys the shit out of me!

3) Cashiers who ask me each morning as I stand in line to pay for my flavored Aquafina water - "you know that's flavored water - right?" NO SHIT SHERLOCK! I can tell the difference in the label. I can understand them asking this once or twice, but every single time I'm in line (and usually it's the same cashier) I'm asked the same question. AARGHH

Okay - I think that's it for my pet peeves for today...

What a bummer!

I'm really pretty bummed out about the death of Steve Irwin ("Crocodile Hunter") - although his exhuberant personality annoyed me a bit when I watched him on TV, his energy was really infectious and he was an absolute joy to watch. I often found myself amazed how brave he was to wrestle a crocodile to the ground, or stare a cobra down. Anyway the news yesterday, that he was killed by the barb of a stingray really brought my morning down, surely it was a mistake! And when the news came out later on in the day, that the Crocodile Hunter actually pulled the poisonous barb out of his chest, I couldn't help but to almost cry at his final act of courage.

RIP Crocodile Hunter!!

Friday, September 01, 2006

My pet peeve of the day

My pet peeve of the day is:

People who read an email out loud that was sent to the entire company as if he/she was the only one who received the email....

Now if that isn't annoying as all get out, I'm not sure what is...

I mean - what the hell? Do they not read the "to" line to see that this is a global email that everyone received at just about the same time they did??? It would be ok if this happened occasionally - but this is like a 2 or 3 day a week thing.

On another note, it's finally September! I've really been looking forward to the beginning of fall. I'm sick of heat & humidity & dry air. I'm tired of watering my plants, and staring at my brown barren yard. I'm looking foward to the cool, crisp, fall air.