I Hate Walmart
Ok - it's official - I really hate Wal-Mart! Every time I go in a damn Wal-Mart store, I end up coming out of the store pissed off at something or someone (or both). I stopped at Walmart this past Sunday, during CJ's soccer practice, to pick up a few things and ended up spending a bit more time there than what I had intended. I initially went there to see if they had any Linksys routers, since I think mine may have crapped out on me - of course they didn't have any any, so I picked up a few things that I needed/watned..
I was on my way down the bathroom towels aisle - and right there, parked in the middle of the aisle was some overweight, nasty looking, redneck lady with who I assume was her daughter (that was equally overweight, nasty looking & just as redneck) and her daughter's husband/boyfriend/brother who looked like a major crackhead/loser. Anyway I couldn't get past her so I stood there for second and finally said "excuse me" - so do you think she gets out of my way? Hell no! Instead she turns around, flashes me one hell of a look like "kiss my ass bitch" and then slams her cart out of the way like I inconvenienced her! EXCUSE THE FUCK OUT ME! UGH!
So anyway, I headed to the checkout area & sure enough - there weren't enough cashiers! GEE IMAGINE THAT! There were 3 cashiers working with about 7 or 8 people in line. So I stood there, and stood there and stood there. Rather than get totally shitty and bitch & moan out loud about how damn long those lines were & how much Walmart sucked - I called Frank up to whine to him about it. During the conversation I mentioned "Oh yeah - and then this fat bitch copped an attitude because I wanted to get down an aisle that she planted her fat ass in..." A few minutes after I was done talking - I turned around as the people behind me were being all loud & obnoxious and it was annoying the shit out of me. And who do you think was behind me in line? Of course - the fat bitch! Ha ha ha! For a split second I thought she was going to kick my ass...
Suddenly a cashier says "hey I'm opening up over here" and I heard the lard ass behind me say to her daughter & whoever the hell that crackhead was, "Hey let's go to that line"...So I turned around and said "Uhhhhhhhhh Excuse me - but I just waited in line 10 minutes!" and she said "Well - so did I" and I answered "Yeahhh - but you're definitely BEHIND ME!" and I proceeded to race my cart into the newly opened aisle! TAKE THAT BITCH!
Next time I'll just go to Target!