Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Uh oh - I almost forgot

In an attempt to calm myself down and to get away from some major stress in my life at the moment, I spent a lot of time in our yard today, watering the grass, flowers & trees & cleaning out the bird bath. I sprayed myself with some Off bug spray and lit up some citronella candles, as the nats have been really bad - but I totally didn't even think about mosquitos. YIKES! How can I forget the misery I went through last year beause of those darn critters?

Anyway - despite the fact that I had applied lots of bug spray, and lit several citronella candles, I still managed to walk away with a huge mosquito bite on the back of my thigh & a very, very itch one on my ankle!

Monday, May 14, 2007

What A Horrible Ending!

I've been a Survivor fan from the beginning - and although I haven't "religiously" watched the show each and every season - I did watch most of this season and I was really looking forward to the show last night.

As much as Yau-Man has annoyed me during the season with his ability to win just about every immunity challenge & the way he gets that shitty grin when he does win, I have to admit - that he was my pick of who deserved to walk away with the $1 million this season.

I was shocked when he offered "Dreamz" (WTF kind of name is that anyway?) the truck that Yau Man won during a challenge, if Dreamz gave him his word that he would take him to the final 4 if he won the immunity. This was wonderful strategy on Yau-Man's part - as long as Dreamz stood by his word, which he promised to do several times during the course of the show.
Of course, Dreamz won the immunity and when it came time to go to tribal council - what does he do??? He goes back on his word. ASSHOLE! Yau-Man was voted off! Grrr....If I could have picked up the large screen TV last night and tossed it through the Patio Door, I would have. As upset that I was over the fact that Dreamz had betrayed Yau-Man in a big way, I was soooooo excited when Earl was chosen as the winner of the $1 million! HA HA Dreamz!

The very least that Dreamz could have done was to give Yau-Man the truck back and admit he went against his word - but no, he wouldn't even done that - all he could muster saying was that it was "part of his strategy". WTF?

Oh well - regardless of the fact that Earl walked away with $1 Million and Dreamz with the damn truck, Yau-Man was the real winner to me! He played the game better than anyone else this season!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Yeah Baby

Guess what time of year it is??

Yeah, that's right - it's to eat Crabs! YIPPEE! Tomorrow night at my house, there will be all kinds of crab eatin' going on!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Kiss my ass you thousand-legger

If there's one bug that I would never, never miss if it became extinct & disappeared off of the fae of the earth it would be this:

I seriously don't understand the benefit of having those horrible insects around - and I'm not happy with the fact that they think my kitchen is a great place to be, especially when I'm preparing dinner...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Now That's What I Call A Convoy

On the way up to New Oxford, PA to visit my SIL Debbie & her family, we ran into the "Truck Convoy For Wishes" as it was leaving New Oxford - what a beautiful site that was to see the hundreds of trucks with "Wish Child On Board" and "Make A Wish" banners on the front of each and every truck. And what a joy it was to see the children that were on board each and every truck. I can't begin to imagine how each and everyone of those children and their families were touched that day - although being the mother of a child that survived cancer, I know it had to pretty special.

Hopefully I'll get pictures posted soon.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Jon Bon Jovi = pure hotness!