Fall is almost here!

Woo hoo! I'm pretty excited - as I was walking into the Grocery store last night, I saw that they had Pumpkins outside on display, which reminded me that it's almost fall! Not that it hasn't been chilly or anything, but seeing the Pumpkins really made it sink in that summer is just about over. It's time to rip out the Impatients & Vinca's out of the garden & plant some Mums & Pansies, and bulbs. It also means that it's time to at least think about putting the summer clothes away & pulling out all of the sweaters, fleece, etc. AND it also means it's time to start thinking about Pumpkin carving & making delicious things out of Pumpkins - like Pumpkin Pies, Pumpkin Bread & Pumpkin Roll. Hopefully eating Pumpkin Pie this year won't do the same thing to me that it did last year! (let's just say that my Crohn's ridden intestinal tract did not like me eating even one sliver of pumpkin pie)
Another thing that I was reminded of last night was Halloween is right around the corner. Although both of my kids are pretty much too old to dress up & go trick or treating, I still like to look at all the costumes. Several times over the past 18 years, I've even dressed up - whether it's to accompany my kids on trick or treating when they were little, or for a costume party at work, or to hand out candy at home, I almost enjoy it. I was looking at some sites last night online that sells some terrific costumes & I found a few that I thought was hilarious - including this one:

(Although - I do have to say that as tired as I've been feeling lately, some may think I resemble this lady slightly)
Which of course, also reminded me that Thanksgiving & Christmas are both right around the corner! YIKES!
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