Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Today's Pet Peeve

Today's pet peeves (at least right at this moment):

1)People who talk on their cell phone so loud that not only can people standing or sitting beside them hear the conversation, but so can people that are standing 20 feet away. What the hell is that about? Don't they understand that most people don't really want to hear their conversation.

I have a coworker who does this, and I know more about her and her family from her cell phone conversations than I care to know. It's hard to ignore the conversations when they are so loud that I can't even concentrate on what I'm trying to do. Most days I feel like yelling "SHUT THE HELL UP!" I've also noted that these same people have the most annoying cell phone ringer, especially since they have it turned on full blast!

2) People who blatantly ignore crosswalks when it rains or snows. What's the deal with the assholes who for whatever reason decide that during "inclement weather", they don't have to obey crosswalks - instead they fly through the parking lot, splashing those people who are standing waiting to cross? This morning I just about got drenched by some idiot who came flying through the parking lot at my place of employment, as I stood in the pouring rain waiting to cross. I don't know if the drivers are just "running late" for work or if they just don't see the crosswalks - regardless, it annoys the shit out of me!

3) Cashiers who ask me each morning as I stand in line to pay for my flavored Aquafina water - "you know that's flavored water - right?" NO SHIT SHERLOCK! I can tell the difference in the label. I can understand them asking this once or twice, but every single time I'm in line (and usually it's the same cashier) I'm asked the same question. AARGHH

Okay - I think that's it for my pet peeves for today...


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