Friday, August 18, 2006

I'm Having So Much Fun

With my sister's birthday just 9 short days away, I'm having lots of fun, plotting & planing some things.. I can't divulge what I'm planning on doing, as she reads this blog *cough* stalker *cough* - but I will be sure to post about it later. I will say this - there are a lot of companies that are willing to do very strange things with a little bit of $, maybe this is just common to Boston (my sister lives near there), or maybe it's just the way some companies run - anyway it's been fun searching for "things" I've definitely found some very random things, that's for sure.

One thing I ran across, which I'm definitely not getting, because it totally scares me:

This doll is a "Flatsy" doll from the late 60's. I don't remember my sister and I ever owning any of these (although we very well may have), but I do faintly remember them. I know that they came with different hair colors/lengths & differe color clothes. To me they look like flattened Barbies, and why anyone in their right mind, would buy one of these, is beyond me, other than for the sole purpose of scaring someone.

Luckily, for my sister, these things scare me, so it wont' be part of my "plan".

Speaking of which, I better get going, I need to plot some more...


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