Crabs, Crabs & More Crabs!
Anyone that knows me, even very remotely, knows that my favorite food in the world is Maryland Hard Shell Crabs. There's something about the taste of a Maryland Hard Shell Crab that completely fulfills any craving I've ever had. The combination of the aroma of the Old Bay Seasoning (what good is a Hard Shell Crab without Old Bay?) and the taste of fresh crab meat is enough to melt my taste buds.
Frank's company get together is this weekend at the Kentmore Marina at Kentmore Island near the Bay - and guess what they're having??? Maryland Hard Shell Crabs! YESSSSSSSSSSS! Needless to say I'm pretty excited about it - so in preparation I've thrown together a guide to how to properly "pick" a Maryland Hard Shell Crab:
- Get your table ready - it's recommended to eat hard shell crabs outdoors - as they can be quite messy. Place a layer or two of newspapers over the surface of your table to protect the table from the hot crabs. I also recommend having several rolls of paper towels available to wipe your hands & face with. You will also need a small knife to open the crab with and a crab mallet.
- Dump a pile of crabs in the middle of the table for people to eat from, or serve from a large platter or bowl.
- Select your crab - I usually go for the heavier feeling crabs as they tend to have more crab meat - but really, any crab will do.
- Pull the big pincher claws & save for later. Remove the back claws with a twisting motion - often times when you pull the back claws off, some crab meat will come out with it - enjoy!
- Pull off any other legs - some people will crack the legs open and eat the meat, but their usually isn't alot of meat in there - so I either toss them or save them for later.
- Turn the body of the crab over so the bottom of the crab is facing up. With a knife, pry open the pointy apron piece on the bottom of the crab pull it up and back. This detaches the top shell
- Flip the crab over, take the top shell off & discard it.
- You'll see the gills and the "mustard" on the sides of the top of the crab - clean these off with a knife & discard.
- Put the remaining crab in your hand and snap it in two. Any crab meat that is revealed can be eaten. You can use your knife to dig the meat out from the crab shell or you can cut the crab in half again using your knife. Use your knife to pick the shell from the crab. Now you're ready to eat the claws.
- Use your knife & mallet to crack the claws open. Pull the exposed meat out with your knife or your teeth.
That's it! You've eaten a MD Hardshell Crab! Remember - practice makes perfect, after several attempts you will become pretty fast at "picking a crab".
Don't forget to roll up your crabs inside the newspaper that you used to line the table & throw it away outside in a trashcan. Make sure to clean your table off. I generally use a hose & some type of cleanser.
Happy Crab Eatin'!!!
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