Sunday, August 06, 2006

Happy Sister's Day!

Lizzie wishes the curtains were a better color

This is what happens when you ask Lizzie to "make a pretty face"

Lizzie upon learning that I ate the last of the yogurt

In honor of today's holiday "Sister's Day" I thought I would post some pictures of my dear, sweet, younger sister Lizzie. Good thing for her I don't have many pictures of her stored electronically & that my scanner isn't working properly - otherwise I would have some hilarious pictures of her...

So I am posting a few of the ones I have, and maybe, just maybe, in time for her 40th birthday in a few weeks *grins*, I will get some more scanned in :)

Some totally random facts about my sister:

1)She gets annoyed if someone else lifts their glass or cup & drinks at the same time she is drinking...
2) Her big toe on each foot is longer than my index fingers (and my fingers are pretty long)...
3) Her nickname is "Bipsy"...
4) Despite her constant denial, she really is obsessed with Ants...


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