Monday, August 14, 2006

50 Random Things About Me

I've seen lots of other people doing this on various blog sites, such as Myspace, etc so I thought I would create a "50 Random Things About Me List"

  1. I was named after my father's former girlfriend - and it was my mother's idea.
  2. I don't like touching sandpaper - it gives me the heeby-jeebies
  3. My favorite ice cream is Vanilla Chocolate Swirl
  4. I can consumer more hard shell crabs than what you could imagine (although my niece beat me at a crab feed yesterday)
  5. My favorite color is dark puple
  6. I enjoy mowing my yard
  7. I can sleep 10 hours at a time, and still want to take a nap later
  8. I don't like mosquitos or any type of stinging or biting insects
  9. If wild rabbits suddenly disappeared off the fact of the earth, I'd be perfectly happy
  10. I met my husband in a bar
  11. My daughter actually had a different name when she was first born, but my husband convinced me to change it
  12. I don't like people standing or sitting behind me, especially if they're talking
  13. I'd rather lie in bed all day nauseous than throw up once
  14. I have a weakeness for chocolate
  15. My 3 brothers all have the same first name
  16. I frequently find myself counting my steps when I walk
  17. I really don't like to swim - I'd much rather just float along in the water
  18. I have a birthmark shaped like a heart on the inside of my upper left arm - AND my sister tried to claim it as hers
  19. I miss my father terribly!
  20. My favorite flower is a red rose (even though I don't have any planted in my garden yet)
  21. I don't like looking at people's feet
  22. I can play "chopsticks" on the piano fairly well
  23. I usually don't like loud noises
  24. I've had a crush on Jon Bon Jovi for as long as I can remember!
  25. My favorite TV show is "House"
  26. I have a nervous habit of ripping my fingernails off, once they get long
  27. The first animal I ever owned was a black cat named Mitzi
  28. I really would love to learn how to dance
  29. My 2 favorite clothing stores are Christopher & Banks, and Hecht's
  30. If I was only was allowed to drink one type of drink, it would have to be Cyrstal Light
  31. I can't stand the taste of beer
  32. I really wanted to play softball in High School, but was too shy to even think about trying out
  33. I have problems saying words that start with the letters "ch"
  34. Although I really don't like math, I have a weird ability to quickly multiply numbers
  35. I'm not even sure what my natural hair color is
  36. Although I love to talk, I have a real fear of public speaking
  37. My eyelids flip inside out when I laugh real hard
  38. I can read a book very quickly and enjoy it thoroughly - but ask me about it the next day, and I won't remember a thing
  39. I get annoyed when people sneeze more than 3 times in a row
  40. I used to skateboard when I was a pre-teen/teen
  41. Sometimes I find myself walking around with a balled up tissue in my hand without realizing it was even there for most of the day
  42. I have a hard time keeping a secret, especially if it's someone else's
  43. My favorite holiday is Christmas
  44. I don't like to touch door knobs or door handles in public bathrooms
  45. My favorite sport is Soccer - but I've never played, and have no desire to play
  46. Whenever I buy a newspaper or magazine it always has to be the second or third in the stack as I don't want one that someone else already looked through
  47. My favorite author is Faye Kellerman
  48. Sometimes I will finish a sentence out loud that I had been thinking about to myself
  49. I don't like to be alone, but I also don't like to be in a room with alot of people I don't know
  50. I'm afraid of rollercoasters

On another note...

12 more days until a certain someone's 40th birthday *cough* Lizzie *cough*


At 5:30 PM, Blogger Momof2 said...

Hey those were all good ones but - you have 2 things wrong:

8. The fishook was not in my eyelid but in my upper cheek
9. The pitchfork went partially through my nose not up it


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