My random musings
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Yard Sale Rant
We decided several weeks ago, that yesterday we would have a yard sale to make some extra cash and to get rid of boxes of "stuff" that we had stored in our garage since we moved in here over a year ago. We put tons of signs up all over the neighborhood and in neighboring neighborhoods - hoping to drum up more trafic & boy did itwork! Our yard sale was from 8-1 and we had people show up as early as 7 a.m.! There were people parked on both sides of our road & at one poit I coulnted 15 people milling about. YIKES! All in all it went well, we made close to $300!
A mildly annoying thing that happened during the yard sale was when 2 hispanic women tried to totally talk me down in price on every single thing they wanted to boy. I'm talking offering $1.00 for a University of MD Terps Sweatshirt that we paid over $20,00 for and that we had marked for $3.00. And if that weren't bad enough - she proceeded to offer me 10 cents for an Aeropstale Shirt that I already had marked at 50 cents! Grrrrr - I was so annoyed. But the worst ofi it is when she wanted a lamp that had a blown light bulb. She asked me to plug it in to make sure it worked, and it didn't come on - I remembered that the light bulb and blown and we just didn't replace it - so I tol her never mind, it wasn't for sale and put it in my garage. Another customer had a question so I was helping them and turned around to see one of the 2 hispanic ladies in my garage with the lamp. She brought it over to me and said "I"ll take this for free" and I said "it's not for sale anymore" - she kept badgering me so finally I gave in,, but when she tried to knock the already reduced price I had given her on several items down to an even lower amount - I refused! THE HELL WITH THAT!
Then I spent most of the rest of the afternoon being pissed off at the 2 ladies and wanting them to come back so I could shove them had first in my trash can. Damn cheap asses!
I know at a yard sale, you're supposed to offer reasonable prices, but damn if I wanted to give something away, I'd haul it off to Goodwill and get the write off!