The Things I think I Would Do If I Weren't Working
Did I evern mention that I reallllllllllllllllly despise Sunday evenings?? It's the fact that Monday is right around the corner, meaning that another work week is here. Not that I totally dislike my job or anything, but I'd much rather be at home doing something a bit more fun with my time other than watering someone's plants or reconciling their corporate credit card statement. Yes - I know eventually this will change, once I finish up my college studies & hopefully find a better job.
So this morning I was trying to figure out what types of things I would do during the course of the week if I wasn't working (other than ordinary household chores, & shuttling the kids back and forth to work & soccer practice/games). I came up with the following random list of 7 things I'd like to do if I weren't working:
- I would spend a day eating Maryland Hardshell Crabs - ok, maybe not the whole day, but I'd at least spend a good part of it either eating the crabs, picking them to eat, preparing to eat them, or cleaning up after eating them. Of course I don't think that would be a wise idea, as my stomach would probably go into a massive protest.
- I would spend a day with my son, wit the soul purpose of determing how many questions he asks in one day. I'm thinking it's over 50. *grin*
- I would spend an entire day eating 3 or 4 bags of individual Dove Milk Chocolate candies (the ones with the random phrases on the inside of the wrappers), flattening out & saving the wrappers. I'd then take all the wrappers & record how many times each phrase was repeated and determine the ADP ratio (Averge Dove Phrase ratio). If I had enough time left in the day, and if I wasn't completely sick to my stomach I'd eat a few bags of the Dove Cark Chocolate candies & catalog those wrappers as well. I'm convinced that the results would be different...
- I would spend a day disassembling the 12,876 afghans that I've only partially completed - and I'd create a massive yarnball
- I would sit outside on my patio & count the number of wild rabbits that are stalking my back yard
- I would drive to the nearest amusement park and get on the biggest, baddest roller coaster - once the ride was done and before I got off I'd say to the attendant "Uhhh - I think I had an accident - do you have any clean clothes?"
- I would shadow my husband the entire day & count how many times he invented new words simply by inserting curse words in the beginning, middle or end of non-curse words. I'm willing to bet it would be a high number
Darn - now I really don't want to go to work tomorrow
Before I finish today's blog - I though I would share an interestesing fact that I learned today:
Turkeys often look up during a rainstorm. Unforatunately some have been known to drown as a result...