Monday's List Of Things That's I'm over
This is my Monday's list of things I'm over for today:
- The fact that the bottoms of my feet are so damn rough & dray and scratchy! No matter what lotion I use and how much I apply, my feet are still hideous!
- The sore throat that's been trying to beseige me for the past 3 weeks
- My boss's attitude - UGH!
- Despite the fact that I ate way too much food yesterday for Easter Dinner, I'm still ravenously hungry
- The weather. WTF is up with this hot one week, cold the next? It's April for Christsake - enough with the 20 & 30 degree weather!
- My job. Not much to say here, other than for the most part - I hate it!
- Restaurants that insist on placing a piece of a pickle with every meal they serve. If I wanted a side of "pickle" I'd order it dammit! I HATE PICKLES!
- Grocery store coupons - I'm sick and tired of every damn coupon I've been clipping lately offering 75 cents of 2 items - damn - that's not worth my time and energy to even bother clipping it. I'm looking for coupons that will allow me to get something for next to nothing!
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