Modesty on the job
Maybe I'm just a bit too modest when it comes time to boasting about my accomplishments on the job, or maybe it's more that I'm too shy and don't like the attention when someone makes a big fuss over me - regardless, it sure would be nice if every once in a while, when I do something totally awesome on the job, if my boss would just say "hey Thanks!" How hard would that be?
I thought I really busted my ass a few weeks ago at an event we were hosting at work - I worked overtime just about every night, came in over the weekend for 2 weekends straight and thought I kicked ass at my job. But did my boss ever thank me? NO! Instead - she's received awards & certificates, gone out to lunch with her bosses to thank her for "her good job" during the event. The thing that ticks me off is that she barely even showed up at the event - it was my coworker and I that were there 8+ hours a day, busting our butts, but we can't even get a thanks! Grrr...sorry for the vent, but she really annoys the living crap out of me!
Okay - I feel better now.
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