It's that time of the year that everyone and their brother decide to bring cookies, cakes, pies & miscellaneous treats in to the office to share with everyone else. Don't get me wrong - I really, really appreciate it - but how the heck can one lose weight when there are so many temptations around?
This is what was awaiting me this morning when I came in - and let me tell you, after eating a few pieces, I've decided that who the hell ever invented Fudge should either be shot, or should maybe have their own holiday or something...

On another note, I was able to finish a lot of Christmas Shopping this weekend. I've always maintained that the closer we get to the holidays, the more impatient and rude people get - and this especially holds true this year. I was cut off in traffic more times this weekend than I have been in the past 6 months. The mall was so crowded over the weekend & just about everyone I encountered while I waited in line after line, were moaning about how long the lines were - like they didn't expect it or something.
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