Sunday, November 26, 2006

Well Thanksgiving is here and gone - we had dinner at our house this year, which wouldn't have been so bad, if hubby hadn't decided to invite his family too - which meant over 20 people all eating at the same time. Actually it didn't go too badly - there was more than enough food, and Frank's mother, for the most part, behaved herself - and the true miracle of the day - I didn't burn anything!

Ordinarily on the day after Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Frank and I and the kids all go out and go Christmas Shopping. Most years I'm pretty much done with my shopping by Thanksgiving, so we finish everything up. This year though, I hadn't done much shopping at all, and with Frank out of town on a job, I didn't get much accomplished. CJ and I did pick up a few gift cards and we looked at some things he liked (his list seems to get longer each year & more expensive!). I did find myself online at 3 a.m. on Black Friday just to see if I could get the same prices online as they had advertised in their sale paper, and most items they had advertised in the store, were the same price online - so I picked up a few things there. I also managed to address about 1/2 of our Christmas Card and will hopefully be able to finish that up today.

I dug out most of our Christmas Boxes & managed to decorate a bit and put up our Chtistmas tree last night. Frank got home late last night and after noticing one of the neighbors had put up their outside lights, he declared that today he would put up ours - heaven forbid someone outdo him! I'll have to really keep my eye on him today - otherwise our house may end up looking like this:


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